Australian & International Software Houses

Swiss watch makers enjoyed an incredible 80% of the profitability in the global watch making market. However when they ignored an important new paradigm in watch making, their market share fell to less than 10% in rapid time. 

A paradigm is a problem solving system with boundaries or rules that help you achive a goal. A paradigm shift is the movement from one paradigm to another and when a Paradigm shifts every thing goes to Zero.

We are helping Australian & International Technology organisations recognise a  new paradigm of value creation & profitability through what we term "acute specialisation in value chain” Moving them away from traditional ways of structuring a software firm to one of greater competitiveness and profitability. 

Using this approach our clients
1)     Are faster to market,
2)   Are closer to customers, and
3)   most importantly can increase scale on a "dial up dial down" basis
4)  Greater control of Development cycle

Does you software house have any of the following concerns

Talent & Expertise
  • Are you having trouble hiring the "right" talent?
  • Are you finding it difficult & expensive to retain, retrain good talent?
  • Are you product development restricted due to
    • Inability Scale or 
    • Cost
    • Speed to market
  • Do you have shortages of implementation or architectural expertise ?

Safety of IP & Control of Projects
  • Are you concerned re the safety of your IP by outsourcing some or all of your work?
  • Are you concerned of losing control of your projects by out sourcing some or all of you work
  • Would you like to see how better you can improve the way you resource your business while you retain control

Client Satisfaction,  profitability & Expansion

  • Are you overheads for experts killing you?
  • Are you losing money because you don’t have a particular expertise
  • Would you like to expand your current offering to a new market or platform?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions It might be worthwhile our two organisation having a confidential chat.

If you would like us to help your company similarly,  email us at

Being an Australian Company we innately understand  concerns of leaders of local firms.  Our local presence supported by a global capability model be the impetus that your business needs

We have years of experience helping a multitude of clients Internationally, while protecting their IP and control of their client and projects..

Protecting you IP is our business

Two Strategic Advantages
·         Help Increase scale , with zero impact on fixed overhead
·         Help Increase size of portfolio & and competences