It's leads from one of the best business lessons the world has known, when Swiss watch makers enjoyed 80% of the profitability in the global watch making market. However when they ignored an important new paradigm in watch making, their market share fell to less than 10% in rapid time.
A paradigm is a problem solving system with boundaries or rules that help you achive a goal. A paradigm shift is the movement from one paradigm to another and when a Paradigm shifts every thing goes to Zero.
Through "ASV" we help PS firms move away from the traditional paradigm of structuring professional services organisations to one of greater competitiveness and profitability.
Using this approach our clients
1) Win higher value projects,
2) Are closer to customers, and
3) most importantly increase scale & excellence in service
Firms we work with typically have;
- excellent client relationships
- a respected brand in the market place
- a sales force
- Subject matter experts
- Do you have pressure due to low utilisation levels ?
- Are sales people not having the right conversations with the right clients ?
- Are lower than budgeted utilisation levels impacting your bottom line
- Are you having trouble hiring the right talent?
- Are you finding it difficult & expensive to retain good talent?
- Do you have shortages of implementation or architectural expertise at various times (critical & other)
- Are you not meeting your project dead lines because of Insufficient expertise or people ?
- Are you losing money because you don’t have a particular expertise
- Are you overheads for service delivery people killing you?
- Would you like to see how better you can improve the way you resource your business
- Would you like to expand your current offering to the market place to be more profitable and create more value to clients
- Are you losing business because of client dissatisfaction ?
Being an Australian Company we innately understand this market.
Two Strategic Advantages
· Help Increase scale , with zero impact on fixed overhead
· Help Increase size of capability portfolio & and competences
Our People work as your people on site and or offshore
You Decide.
Confidentiality in the work we do is our business!
Trust is important to us!